Nowadays, data has become a key resource for organizations across the globe. With an array of data available for companies to take advantage of, the underlying issue is not the accessibility of data, but rather finding what you want. That’s why we make an effort to ensure that all our data is structured as well as possible and is concise and easily readable. This is largely defined by our various categories, which we will give you a quick tour of.

In this example, we will use our Asset Search section of the database. Here, there are various categories you can use to help filter the results you want. The first is by Geographical Location, where you can search either by continent or by country – picking as many as you want. For the purpose of this demonstration, we will choose ‘Europe’ and the ‘USA’.

As another example, we use the filter to specify Licensing Status. This section allow you to filter assets whether they are available for out-licensing or if they are already partnered. You can also skip this section (by making no selection) which will then consider all therapeutics in your search regardless of their licensing status.

As you can see on all the search forms, there are many more category search filters which can be used the same way as explained above. In addition, you can use the ‘tag search’ to combine text and category search. As an example, let’s assume you want to search for some specific indications in the field of Leukemia. Just start typing the indication in the input field and a list of relevant results will appear (see next screenshot).

Once you found the relevant indication from the list, click on it to confirm the selection. The option will appear as dark gray tag in the input field. You can repeat the above mentioned step to add several indications. As you can see from the next screenshot, we selected in our example two Leukemia related indications. To remove a tag from the input field, just click on the ‘X’ icon.

This tag search is available in most sections for different criteria, such as countries, companies or names of assets.

Once you have defined your categories, simply click ‘Search’ and your results will load. If you wish to amend your search, click on ‘Revise search’. Or use the link ‘Download results in Excel format’ to generate an Excel list.

Full category search is available only for Biotechgate subscribers. If you wish to arrange a demo or take advantage of a free trial, then don’t hesitate to contact us.