
Antibiotic resistance has become a significant problem in the global healthcare market. Over-prescribing and misuse, along with the lack of new drug development, means that both governments and the life science industry as a whole have begun to take steps to partner with or fund those companies researching infectious diseases; this is especially true for university research institutions.

The cost to develop an antibiotic can be as high as 1 billion USD, which, combined with the long timelines (8-10 years) and high probability of failure, has contributed to the lack of development. Furthermore, commercial viability also comes into account as increased resistance means company profits erode dramatically (especially while under exclusivity). This is why many pharmaceutical and investor networks scout the globe, searching for new antibiotics in development.

With over 100 antibiotic related products in development and over 20 opportunities currently available for out-licensing within the Biotechgate database, companies can easily find a suitable product, in a specific phase. Simply search ‘‘antibiotics’’ in our products or out-licensing sections to find up-to-date results.


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