Nowadays, one of the biggest challenges in online research is no longer the availability of information, but instead the ability to find the most relevant information quickly. For this reason, Biotechgate offers various user-friendly tools that easily filter large amounts of data, allowing the user to quickly access the information they need.

Biotechgate has two types of filters available: First is Category Filters, such as sector, indication or phase of product. The second is Text Search. On each of Biotechgate’s search forms you will find a text field where you can enter your keywords. This way, you will receive a list of profiles which contain any of the entered keywords.

A more sophisticated text search is possible by using the so called “boolean operators”. Let’s assume you are interested in orphan drugs in the oncology field as well as outside of this therapeutic area. The following table shows how to perform a search for various needs.

orphan drugFinds profiles that contain at least either ‘orphan’ or ‘drug’. Results containing both keywords will be displayed first.
“orphan drug”Use quotation marks to find the exact phrase. In this example Biotechgate will only show profiles which include ‘orphan drug’ somewhere in the company name, description etc.
+orphan +drugUsing the plus sign searches for profiles that include ‘orphan’ and ‘drug’ at any position in any order.
Please note: In the first mentioned example on top, the relation between the keywords is “OR” whereas in this case it is “AND” (meaning that both words must appear somewhere in a profile to be displayed in the result).
+orphan +drug –cancerThe minus sign excludes specific keywords. In this particular example, Biotechgate will display results containing orphan and drug, but not cancer. Thus, this text search would be useful to search for orphan drugs outside the oncology sector.

A summary of the above explanations is available on Biotechgate’s search forms. Just click on the link “Text search options »” and a table with explanations will appear.

Of course you can combine the text search with any other search criteria, e.g. searching for keywords within a specific sector or country. The text search operation is available for all parts of our database, such as companies, license agreements and investors. Try your own text search now  »


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