How the MAP SEARCH and NOTES features will empower your business development team


  • Get the most out of business development travel and regional company searches.
  • Save time and improve efficiency for location-based searches.
  • Identify potential companies of interest by location
  • Discover companies near your location when traveling
  • Discover companies neighboring existing locations on your visit route
  • Exploit proximity with visual tools

Just one of the many search types capable on Biotechgate, our MAP SEARCH tool allows you to see company locations in a simple, easy to use and easy to navigate, zoom capable map. More importantly, once you have established target locations, you can click on the displaying companies map pins to open a quick info balloon with basic company contact details. The balloon contains also a further click-through-option to the company’s full Biotechgate profile where you may find information on product pipelines, financial rounds, management team, clinical trials and more.

Biotechgate map feature
Biotech Therapeutics & Diagnostics companies in the Greater Boston area on Biotechgate’s Map Search
Biotechgate map search feature
A balloon with the company information and the link to the profile

Identify potential companies of interest by searching by

  • Location visually
  • Sector i.e. Biotech R&D services, Pharma, Med Tech etc.
  • Company or group of companies by name

Make the most out of time on the road by zooming in on the area you are in or are traveling to and view the potential of the companies displaying in the immediate or wider proximity.

Look at their profiles and explore their pipelines, recent financial round info or find a person to connect with. Best of all Biotechgate is mobile friendly. Do all of this from your smartphone, tablet or laptop and maximize your impact out of office.

Strengthen the value of using the map feature by taking advantage of NOTES.

The MAP SEARCH used in tandem with our NOTES feature is a great way for field-based personnel to save details on their trip and share required info back to office-based business development supporting team members and vice-versa.

Upon opening a profile and identifying a potential company of relevance to you, use the Biotechgate NOTES feature. Save your findings or next steps as a note for your colleagues to view also or simply save it for your own personal records to be viewed at a later stage in Notes Saved.

You may try this and other features of the Biotechgate Business Development Database by requesting a demo or trial. Request your free trial