After two strong years driven by the global pandemic, the German life sciences industry did not perform as well in terms of equity investment in 2022. As Biotechgate data shows, venture investment in biotech companies fell by almost half as compared to 2021, and with only USD 419 million in equity funding, is at its lowest level since 2017.
In the Biotech – Therapeutics and Diagnostics sector, oncology remains by far the top indication for asset development, with infectiology/parasitology and cardiology coming in second and third. Key activity areas are small molecules (14%), immunotherapy, antibodies, and anti-infectives (11% each).
In addition to Germany’s strong focus on research and development, the medtech sector is one of the most important drivers of innovation in the German life sciences industry. 22% of all medtech companies develop reusable instruments, followed by 12% single-use devices and 10% electromechanical medical devices. The vast majority of medtech companies in Germany are private/independent.
We would like to thank our partners Bio.NRW, BioRN, BIO Deutschland, and GTAI/HEALTH MADE IN GERMANY for their support in producing this report.