Find Companies near a specific Location

Biotechgate Map Search

See search results on the map

Our Map feature can be applied to your specific searches in the Biotechgate database, giving you a geographical overview of the relevant companies in your chosen fields. Once your search results have loaded, simply click the «Map» icon at the top of the page and the map will display the filtered companies.

This feature is available for all sections of Biotechgate’s Business Development module, incl. assets, clinical trials and license agreements.

Global Life Science Map

Use Biotechgate’s Global Life Science Map to plan your next business trip. Search for a specific company and see where it is located.

  • Select your desired industry. Choose between Pharma, Biotech and Medtech companies on the map.
  • Browse the map to explore leads around your destination.
  • Click on the map to see the companies, contact details, assets, management and much more.
Biotech Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Biotech / R&D Services
Biotech - other
Medical Technology
Digital Health
Enhance your business development with Biotechgate