There are over 115,000 contacts in the Management Details section of Biotechgate. By selecting the relevant job title or position it has never been easier to target those you need to reach.
You can choose the country, sector or therapeutic area before selecting the position you are wishing to find.

management details

Once you have entered your search criteria and have your list of results these can then be downloaded into Excel including the contact details. With a subscription to Biotechgate you have unlimited access to this tool therefore can search a number of different positions in different sectors.
In order to use this feature and have access to the search results, a subscription is required to the Biotechgate Company Database. If you do not have a valid subscription you can test the search forms here or see below to request a demo or take a free trial.

Looking for your next Biotech or Medtech partner?

Use Biotechgate to identify new leads, licensing opportunities and management details.