For years we have published out-licensing opportunities on Biotechgate – a great source for companies that are looking to in-license new products (see article “Looking to in-licensing new products?”). To complement the licensing section we have just introduced a new search feature that allows you to identify companies that are looking to in-license a specific product or technology. This is an effective approach for Biotech and Medtech SMEs that are looking to find a partner for their products.
There are two methods to identify a potential in-licensing partner: Either by searching for a specific product or technology sought for in-licensing or by looking for the company directly. Read below how this works.
Products and Technologies sought for in-licensing
You can search for a specific technology or product that is sought for in-licensing. To do this just click on the tab “In-licensing” on the left hand side (see screenshot). This brings you to a dedicated search form that allows you to filter for all kinds of criteria, such as product type (Biotech or Medtech), clinical phase, therapeutic area etc. On the top you will find two tabs that allow you to switch between technology and product. Make your selection and click search to see your results or maybe your new licensing partners!
Companies looking to in-license
There is also the possibility to search for companies directly that are looking to in-license products or technologies. Just click on the tag “Companies” on the left hand side which brings you to the company search page. In the section “Filters – profiles including” tick the checkboxes to filter for products and technologies available for out-licensing. Feel free to add additional search criteria, such as region / continent, sector etc. Click search to see the list of companies that match with your criteria.
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