Companies and management contacts

One of the core elements of Biotechgate is the detailed company directory containing key information from more than 64,000 companies in sectors such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical technology.

Companies and management visualized on a map

Identify your next business or collaboration partner with our easy-to-use search.

  • Including emerging biopharma and medtech start-up companies
  • Over 360,000 management contact details
  • Financial information for over 3,000 publicly traded life science companies
  • Unique data set thanks to collaboration with over 30 cluster organizations
  • Show results on a map to plan your next road trip
Key features
Add personal notes to any company profile
Visualize results on a map
Save your preferred searches and set -up email alerts
Unique data sourcing process incl. self-declared data and AI
API for direct data access
Excel download for all sections




Enhance your business development with Biotechgate

“Liftstream was compelled to subscribe to Biotechgate as it is really the only international database of the life sciences sector which is frequently updated by those who are listed on it. This ensures that you can access and retrieve information based on geography, therapy, modality, management or any other category of information which is important to your search.”

Karl Simpson
CEO at Liftstream